
Wildix chose Google Cloud services

Google is the most reliable service and accessible to the world because it has the largest number of connections with national and local operators.
All Unifed Communications Wildix functions are available in Cloud, activated inside management. E 'can also use a fsica machine on site to provide failover.

What it means to choose the best?

With 175 peering points (points at which operators exchange internet traffic), Google is the most interconnected operator in the world. By comparison, Facebook has 71 points, on average, an operator National Internet has on average 2 *.
What are these peering? To make it stable and fast services on its network.
Because even for you is critical peering?
Your clients are not connected with the same operator using you; therefore, even if indirectly, you're dealing with different operators, especially when abroad and this greatly affects the quality of your communication.
We have chosen to give you the best solution possible today, the largest global solution.
Our Cloud systems reside in the same data center from which Google delivers its excellent services.
You simply can not get any better.
Want to check? Accepts a free consultation: enter your e-mail address, we'll let you know how and where your carrier is connected to the worldwide web.


The WMS Network creates a hybrid cloud by connecting local resources.
It guarantees the service even in the face of internet access problems.
If you are using the Cloud and lacks internet, you're in big trouble.
Wildix Cloud, with the WMS Network, allowing you to continue working. And 'multisite solution that already banks, chain stores, hospitals and highways, they use to provide the service to branch offices, even in critical situations.
How does it work?
The Master of the WMS Network is in the Cloud. The Master can connect as many slaves you want, wherever you need it. Slaves connect to Master and to all the other slaves who manage to achieve.
The database users and ACLs (Access Control Lists) are synchronized across the network.
Calls, presence, chat, video pass from Slave to Slave; when direct connection is not possible to do so using the Master as a proxy.
What for?
Manage emergency services? With a slave connected to the Cloud and an ISDN line, the operators work without internet.
You have multiple locations but not all have good access to the Internet? Maintaining local lines can work completely unrelated to the quality / availability of the internet line.
You have offices in foreign countries? You can guarantee the operation of remote offices regardless of the central structure.



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