We purpose ourself for your Facility Management
The Facility Management is the process of planning, implementation and control through which we can cater for our support to your facility, or rather to the management of your buildings, of their systems and their accessories, in order to ease, for example, the maintenance and conduction activity of electrical, hydraulic, lighting and conditioning systems, of cleaning, gardening, etc.
This allows us to provide and maintain service levels able to satisfy the corporate needs, creating a quality working environment and, at the same time, optimizing the expenses to support.
With our Facility Management we increase the effectiveness of your organization, making it able to adapt rapidly to market’s changes by using three different approaches:
Strategic aspect: it allows us to adopt a policy of management and supply of services, of distribution of the resources to use in order to support the budget management, the costs distribution management, etc.
Management aspect: it includes the definition of systems and procedures which are necessary for the implementation and the re-engineering of the providing services processes.
Analytical aspect: it provides for the comprehension of the needs and of the results of management and efficiency in the delivery of services.
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