Dear Visitor, some data related to natural identified or identifiable persons may be processed after visiting this website. Referring to such data processing we declare the following information, whose validity is not extended to other external websites that the user has recently visited through the links which are in this website, also according to the Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679).
With the prosecution of the web browsing and adhering to the proposals of services contained in different parts of our website (subscribing to our newsletter, filling out our form to ask for information), these general information about data processing as well as eventual specific information related to different and specific purposes of the processing are taken as read; the user makes his consent clear about the data processing. The consent is valid only if it comes from an adult or a minor who is 14 years old (art. 8, section 1 and 2 of GDPR).
Eurogroup S.p.A. - Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Uninvest S.r.l., based in Silea (TV – Italy), Via Treviso n.66, VAT Number 00030280267.
Computer systems and the software procedures responsible for the operation of this website acquire, during their normal use, some personal data whose transmission are implied in the use of Internet communication protocols.
It is about information which are not collected in order to be associated with involved and identified people, but they could by their nature allow to identify users through processing and associating with data of any third party.
In this category of data are contained, for example, IP addresses or Domain Names of the computers or of the other instruments used by users who connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the state of the answer given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and to the IT environment of the user.
These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the website and to check its correct operation and they will be deleted immediately after the processing.
The website uses only the necessary cookies which contribute to make the website usable enabling the basic functions, such as the browsing of the web page and the access to the protected area of the website. The website cannot operate correctly without these cookies. This website does not use tracking cookies.
Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data
Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of email to the addresses indicated in this website implies the subsequent acquisition of the sender (which is necessary in order to reply to requests), as well as the eventual other personal data inserted in the missive. Moreover, specific synthesis information are reported or displayed in the website sections which are suitable for particular on-demand services and they are, if applicable, subject to the consent of the interested party.
Apart from what has been specified for the browsing data and for the technical cookies, the user is free to provide his own personal data by using dedicated forms on this website in order to request the sending of newsletters, informative material or other communications and, more generally, for the purposes mentioned in the related and specific informative. Their missing conferment can cause the impossibility to obtain what is required.
Our company (which is the holder of the processing) and each of the eventual external people in charge will manage and file the personal data collected through the use of the website and the functionalities which are activated by request of the user, for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected or voluntarily communicated to the user.
Specific security measures, as provided for in Article 32 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, are observed to prevent the data loss, illegal or incorrect uses and unauthorized access.
Data are processed only by the personnel authorized by the holder of the processing.
We will not spread data under any circumstance.
On the above-mentioned data is not provided any personal profiling activity.
All rights of Articles 15, 16, 17, 18 of the Regulation 679 are guaranteed to the entities to which the processed personal data refer (access with confirmation of the existence or not of the processing of your own data; correction, cancellation and limitation of the processing when cases occur).
The interested party has the right to oppose in any case.
All requests must be addressed to:
Copyright © 2024 Eurogroup S.p.A. – Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Uninvest S.r.l.
VAT Number 00030280267 - Company data
Privacy - a citycenter project